Thursday, August 1, 2013

A History

What has brought me here? Where am I currently in this dating "game?"  Let me fill you in.

I renewed my interest in dating in January.  Not really a New Year's resolution, but more of a semi-relationship had ended poorly a couple of months earlier, the holidays had calmed down, and I was frustrated at work and wanted some fun back in my life.  Enter

I started messing around on Match and found this guy who seemed super cute, well educated, and interesting.  We'll call him Mr. English.  We texted back and forth a bit before deciding to meet.  Our text conversations were fun and flirty and I was pumped to meet him.  We met, and as soon as he walked in the bar, the chemistry was NOT there.  Our conversation was fine, we did have things in common to talk about but there was no spark.  We hugged it out and I'm pretty sure we both knew that was the end of that as I never heard from him again.

Then, right after that, a guy I knew casually decided to ask me out.  This, is Mr. Abs (his body was sculpted).  This was unexpected but I thought I'd take the risk.  And, I'm glad I did.  We had several fun dates involving live theater, live comedy, dinners, movie nights etc.  We ended up dating for a few months.  Then he wanted to slow things down and we went to more of a seeing each other occasionally thing.

In between seeing Mr. Abs casually I met another guy off of Match, Mr. Art.  Very much like Mr. English, something was off from the start of the date.  It wasn't terrible, and there was slightly more potential than Mr. English, but it was a little eh.  I commented to friends later that if he called and wanted a second date I'd be down to give it a shot, but I certainly wouldn't be disappointed if he never called again.  He never did.

Sometimes when I'm the busiest in my life I think it's the best time to actively pursue guys.  Silly, I know.  May and June were incredibly busy for me so I clearly started communicating with a few people on another dating site, OkCupid.  Two guys immediately struck me as interesting and I decided to give them both an equal chance.

First I met Mr. Tall, at 6 ft 3 he was tall, cute, and just a tiny bit awkward.  He was very nice and easy to talk to.  Then, I met, Mr. Sports.  Mr Sports was more outgoing and was also easy to talk to.  So I continued to see both of them.  Pretty equally.  I figure(d) that if/when one of them did something that made me realize there was no potential I'd cut them loose.  After about 7 dates with each Mr. Tall stopped asking me out.  Not sure why, but I'm absolutely OK with it.

This brings me to now.  I'm still seeing Mr. Sports.  I recently met Mr. PharmD, from OkCupid, for the first time.  I also just met Mr. Smokes (usually a deal breaker but he's promised not to around me) through friends, and I'm taking a single guy friend Mr.Skinny to an event on Friday.

Mr. Sports definitely has a leg up because I've been seeing him the longest, but I don't know really what his thoughts are on taking this to the next level and I'm not rushing him.  Mr. PharmD and Mr. Smokes have clearly earned second dates so we'll see how that goes.  Mr. Skinny?  I honestly have no idea if he thinks of Friday as a date or not but I doubt we could actually date though stranger things have happened.

What do you think- is it wrong to be dating multiple people?  Does it muddy the waters?  Is this a good way to really choose the one you want to be with instead of being with the most convenient? (To be clear, dating does not mean whoring around. Though would it matter if it did?)

First Dates in 2013: 7

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